Villa Riviera for Rent - Villa

沁风雅泾轩 出租

CODE: 29253

/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 350 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Unique, Cosy, Spacious, B...

Villa Riviera for Rent - Villa

沁风雅泾轩 出租

CODE: 29252

/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 350 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Unique, Cosy, Sp...

Garden Inside Garden for Rent - Villa

西郊园中园 出租

CODE: 28356

/month, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 365 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Cosy, Nice decor, Spacious, Bright, Good...

Western Suburban Garden for Rent - Villa

久事西郊花园 出租

CODE: 28354

/month, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 350 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, U...

Forest Riviera for Rent - Villa

西郊美林馆 出租

CODE: 13547

/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 340 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Unique, Cosy, Sp...

Villa Riviera for Rent - Villa

沁风雅泾轩 出租

CODE: 27435

/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 336 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Spacious, Big terrace, Co...

Le Chambord for Rent - Villa

圣堡别墅 出租

CODE: 23549

/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 340 sqm

Xuying Road Station, Line 17

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Good quality deco, Bright...

Villa Riviera for Rent - Villa

沁风雅泾轩 出租

CODE: 23541

/month, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 350 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Cosy, Bright, Good natural light, Open k...

Western Suburban Garden for Rent - Villa

久事西郊花园 出租

CODE: 23540

/month, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 380 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Cosy, Bright, Good natural light, Open k...

Elite Villa for Rent - Villa

九溪十八岛 出租

CODE: 17159

/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 380 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Nice decor, Spacious, Bri...

Lakeside Ville for Rent - Villa

湖畔佳苑 出租

CODE: 15227

/month, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 340 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Bright, Balcony, Qu...

Long Beach Garden Villa for Rent - Villa

长堤花园别墅 出租


/month, 6 bedrooms, 0 bathrooms, 350 sqm

Xuying Road Station, Line 17

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Bright, Balcony, Qu...

Garden Inside Garden for Rent - Villa

西郊园中园 出租


/month, 5 bedrooms, 350 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Features: floor heating and central A/C, .

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Bright, Balcony, Qu...

Violet Country Villa for Rent - Villa

西郊紫郡 出租

CODE: 12524

/month, 5 bedrooms, 380 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Bright, Balcony, Qu...

Forest Riviera for Rent - Villa

西郊美林馆 出租


/month, 7 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 400 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Features: Floor heating, modern furniture detached villa..

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Bright, Balcony, Qu...

Violet Country Villa for Rent - Villa

西郊紫郡 出租


/month, 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 350 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Features: Floor heating, central A/C, western style..

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Bright, Balcony, Qu...

Garden Inside Garden for Rent - Villa

西郊园中园 出租


/month, 4 bedrooms, 0 bathrooms, 380 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Features: fully furnished,A/C, bright and airy rooms with ....

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Bright, Balcony, Qu...

Le Chambord for Rent - Villa

圣堡别墅 出租


/month, 5 bedrooms, 310 sqm

Xuying Road Station, Line 17

Qingpu, Suburb

Features: stunning interior designed , A/C, Exquisite decor,....

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Bright, Balcony, Qu...