Xijiao Hua Cheng Villa for Rent - Villa

西郊华城 出租

CODE: 31365

/month, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 250 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Cosy, Spacious, ...

Dream House for Rent - Villa

观庭 出租

CODE: 31360

/month, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 285 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Nice decor, Bright, Good natural light, ...

West Jia Hua Garden for Rent - Villa

西郊家化苑 出租

CODE: 30766

/month, 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 230 sqm

Panlong Road Station, Line 17

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Open kitchen, Big terrace, Out-door spac...

An Sheng Villas / Prosperity Villa for Rent - Villa

安盛山庄 出租

CODE: 30765

/month, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 291 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Open kitchen, Big garden, Out-door space...

West Jia Hua Garden for Rent - Villa

西郊家化苑 出租

CODE: 30764

/month, 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 230 sqm

Panlong Road Station, Line 17

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Bright, Big terrace, Out-door space, Qui...

Madrid Villa for Rent - Villa

马德里洋房 出租

CODE: 30567

/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 246 sqm

Zhuguang Road Station, Line 17

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Bright, Good natural light, Big balcony,...

Long Hu Jiu Yue for Rent - Apartment

龙湖玖悦 出租

CODE: 30506

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 229 sqm


Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Nice decor, Bright, Good natural light, ...

Lakeside Ville Phase III for Rent - Apartment

湖畔佳苑3期公寓 出租

CODE: 30161

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 217 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Cosy, Spacious, ...

Western Suburban Garden for Rent - Villa

久事西郊花园 出租

CODE: 29076

/month, 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 258 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Cosy, Nice decor...

Yanlord Western for Rent - Apartment

仁恒西郊花园 出租

CODE: 26713

/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 223 sqm

Xuying Road Station, Line 17

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Bright, Big terrace, Balc...

Long Hu Jiu Yue for Rent - Apartment

龙湖玖悦 出租

CODE: 26690

/month, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 229 sqm


Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Newly r...

Xijiao Hua Cheng Villa for Rent - Villa

西郊华城 出租

CODE: 19468

/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 300 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Unique, Nice decor, Fanta...

Western Suburban Garden for Rent - Villa

久事西郊花园 出租

CODE: 18661

/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 260 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Fantastic deco, Goo...

Madrid Villa for Rent - Villa

马德里洋房 出租

CODE: 18196

/month, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 220 sqm

Zhuguang Road Station, Line 17

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Fancy looking, Luxury, Balcony, Private ...

Western Suburban Garden for Rent - Villa

久事西郊花园 出租

CODE: 17698

/month, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 260 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Unique, Spacious, Bright, Open kitchen, ...

Hongqiao Rongjing for Rent - Apartment

虹桥融景 出租

CODE: 16924

/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 220 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Fancy looking, Cosy, Luxu...

Lakeside Ville Phase III for Rent - Apartment

湖畔佳苑3期公寓 出租

CODE: 192681

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 216 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Features: Big size apartment in Lakeside Ville, high floor w....

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Bright, Good natural ligh...

Violet Country Villa for Rent - Villa

西郊紫郡 出租

CODE: 14761

/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 270 sqm

East Xujing Station, Line 2

Qingpu, Suburb

Features: Located in the center of Great HongQiao CBD, 15 mi....

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Bright, Good natural ligh...