E18 for Rent - Apartment

九龙仓·滨江壹十八 出租

CODE: 29894

93,000/month, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 345 sqm

Tangqiao Station, Line 4

Lujiazui, Pudong

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Unique, Cosy, Sp...

Ocean One for Rent - Apartment

中粮海景壹号 出租

CODE: 27493

80,000/month, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 320 sqm

Lujiazui Station, Line 2

Lujiazui, Pudong

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Stylish, Fancy looking, Unique, Cosy, Sp...

Ocean One for Rent - Apartment

中粮海景壹号 出租

CODE: 30459

80,000/month, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 320 sqm

Lujiazui Station, Line 2

Lujiazui, Pudong

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Bright, Good natural ligh...

E18 for Rent - Apartment

九龙仓·滨江壹十八 出租

CODE: 16248

80,000/month, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 369 sqm

Tangqiao Station, Line 4

Lujiazui, Pudong

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, U...

The Greenhills for Rent - Villa

云间绿大地 出租

CODE: 24884

80,000/month, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 334 sqm

Lantian Road Station, Line 9

Jingqiao Green City, Pudong

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Cosy, Spacious, Bright, Open kitchen, Ba...

Kerry Parkside for Rent - Serviced Apartment

浦东嘉里城 出租

CODE: 17354

80,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 306 sqm

Huamu Road Station, Line 7

Century Park and Lianyang, Pudong

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Cosy, Luxury, Spacious, Bright, Quiet co...

Ocean One for Rent - Apartment

中粮海景壹号 出租

CODE: 14033

72,000/month, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 308 sqm

Lujiazui Station, Line 2

Lujiazui, Pudong

Features: floor heating and central air-conditioner.

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Cosy, Luxury, Spacious, Bright, Quiet co...

Ocean One for Rent - Apartment

中粮海景壹号 出租

CODE: 14169

70,000/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 340 sqm

Lujiazui Station, Line 2

Lujiazui, Pudong

Features: river view .

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Cosy, Luxury, Spacious, Bright, Quiet co...

Fortune Residence for Rent - Apartment

财富海景 出租

CODE: 14391

69,000/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 347 sqm

Shangcheng Road Station, Line 9

Lujiazui, Pudong

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Cosy, Luxury, Spacious, Bright, Quiet co...

E18 for Rent - Apartment

九龙仓·滨江壹十八 出租

CODE: 20403

68,000/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 336 sqm

Tangqiao Station, Line 4

Lujiazui, Pudong

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Luxury, Good quality deco...

The Greenhills for Rent - Villa

云间绿大地 出租

CODE: Z024419

65,000/month, 5 bedrooms, 0 bathrooms, 350 sqm

Lantian Road Station, Line 9

Jingqiao Green City, Pudong

Features: modern style, central A/C,open kitchen..

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Luxury, Good quality deco...

Yanlord Garden for Rent - Apartment

仁恒滨江园 出租

CODE: 23340

61,000/month, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 333 sqm

Shangcheng Road Station, Line 9

Lujiazui, Pudong

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Good quality deco, Bright, Good natural ...

Shimao Riviera Garden for Rent - Apartment

世茂滨江花园 出租

CODE: 27640

60,000/month, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 303 sqm

Dongchang Road Station, Line 2

Lujiazui, Pudong

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, U...

Ocean One for Rent - Apartment

中粮海景壹号 出租

CODE: 18440

60,000/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 308 sqm

Lujiazui Station, Line 2

Lujiazui, Pudong

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, C...

Xiangmei Garden for Rent - Apartment

香梅花园 出租

CODE: 17284

60,000/month, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 300 sqm

Lancun Road Station, Line 4

Century Park and Lianyang, Pudong

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Fancy looking, Unique, Co...

Tomson Riviera Garden for Rent - Villa

汤臣湖庭花园 出租

CODE: 31242

60,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 389 sqm

Huamu Road Station, Line 7

Century Park and Lianyang, Pudong

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Unique, Cosy, Sp...

Fortune Residence for Rent - Apartment

财富海景 出租

CODE: 31164

59,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 339 sqm

Shangcheng Road Station, Line 9

Lujiazui, Pudong

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Nice decor, Bright, Good natural light, ...

Shimao Riviera Garden for Rent - Apartment

世茂滨江花园 出租

CODE: 26341

58,000/month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 320 sqm

Dongchang Road Station, Line 2

Lujiazui, Pudong

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Tumble dry...

Features: Modern design, Good natural light, Newly...