¥ /month, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 400 sqm
Huamu Road Station, Line 7
Century Park and Lianyang, Pudong
Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Built-in ove...
Features: Bright, Good natural light, Big garden, ...
¥ /month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 400 sqm
East Sanlin Station, Line 11
Kangqiao, Pudong
Features: Two storey freestanding villa comprises three inte....
Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Built-in ove...
Features: Bright, Good natural light, Big garden, ...
¥ /month, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 400 sqm
Huamu Road Station, Line 7
Zhangjiang, Pudong
Features: fully furnished.
Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Built-in ove...
Features: Bright, Good natural light, Big garden, ...
¥ /month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 380 sqm
Lantian Road Station, Line 9
Jingqiao Green City, Pudong
Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Built-in o...
Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Roof te...
¥ /month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 380 sqm
Huamu Road Station, Line 7
Zhangjiang, Pudong
Features: fully furnished.
Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Built-in o...
Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Roof te...
¥ /month, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 380 sqm
Huamu Road Station, Line 7
Zhangjiang, Pudong
Features: entral A/C, nice garden view, luxury european styl....
Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Built-in o...
Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Roof te...
¥ /month, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 380 sqm
Kangqiao, Pudong
Features: detached,central A/C,with garage,private garden.
Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Built-in o...
Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Roof te...
¥ /month, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 380 sqm
Kangqiao, Pudong
Features: detached house,Italian style decor,open kitchen,ce....
Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Built-in o...
Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Roof te...
¥ /month, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 380 sqm
Kangqiao, Pudong
Equipments: Central A/C, Tumble dryer, Built-in oven...
Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, L...
¥ /month, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 380 sqm
Kangqiao, Pudong
Equipments: Central A/C, Tumble dryer, Built-in oven...
Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, U...
¥ /month, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 378 sqm
Huamu Road Station, Line 7
Zhangjiang, Pudong
Features: fully furnished.
Equipments: Central A/C, Tumble dryer, Built-in oven...
Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, U...
¥ /month, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 377 sqm
Other Areas, Pudong
Features: Open kitchen with oven and dishwasher, floor heati....
Equipments: Central A/C, Tumble dryer, Built-in oven...
Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, U...
¥ /month, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 365 sqm
Huamu Road Station, Line 7
Zhangjiang, Pudong
Features: appointed with classic style furniture and upgrade....
Equipments: Central A/C, Tumble dryer, Built-in oven...
Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, U...
¥ /month, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 350 sqm
East Sanlin Station, Line 11
Kangqiao, Pudong
Features: Floor heating and pure water system..
Equipments: Central A/C, Tumble dryer, Built-in oven...
Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, U...
¥ /month, 5 bedrooms, 350 sqm
Zhangjiang, Pudong
Equipments: Central A/C, Tumble dryer, Built-in oven...
Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, U...
¥ /month, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 350 sqm
East Sanlin Station, Line 11
Kangqiao, Pudong
Features: fully furnished.
Equipments: Central A/C, Tumble dryer, Built-in oven...
Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, U...
¥ /month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 346 sqm
Shangcheng Road Station, Line 9
Lujiazui, Pudong
Equipments: Central A/C...
Features: Bright, Good natural light, Big balcony,...
¥ /month, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 340 sqm
East Sanlin Station, Line 11
Kangqiao, Pudong
Features: appointed with modern furniture and advanced appli....
Equipments: Central A/C...
Features: Bright, Good natural light, Big balcony,...