Xijiao Regency for Rent - Villa

御墅花园 出租

CODE: 031596

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 286 sqm

Longxi Road Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Features: newly renovated;2 terrace;appointed with modern fu....

De Oriental London for Rent - Apartment

伦敦广场 出租


/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 265 sqm

Shuicheng Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Features: Luxury furnishes, high floor.

De Oriental London for Rent - Apartment

伦敦广场 出租

CODE: 030838

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 238 sqm

Shuicheng Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Features: spacious living room,enjoying sweeping view of cit....

Regent Tower for Rent - Apartment

丽晶大厦 出租

CODE: 31027

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 220 sqm

Yili Road Station, Line 10

Tianshan, Hongqiao

Equipments: Central A/C, Air-conditioner, Built-in o...

Features: Bright, Good natural light, Big balcony,...

Hua Li Jia Zu for Rent - Apartment

古北华丽家族 出租


/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 216 sqm

Yili Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Features: Nice view, big livingroom..

Equipments: Central A/C, Air-conditioner, Built-in o...

Features: Bright, Good natural light, Big balcony,...

Consul Garden for Rent - Apartment

虹桥华庭 出租

CODE: 039633

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 198 sqm

Yili Road Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Features: high floor, luxury deco, fully furnished.

Equipments: Central A/C, Air-conditioner, Built-in o...

Features: Bright, Good natural light, Big balcony,...

Yanlord Riverside Garden for Rent - Apartment

仁恒河滨花园 出租

CODE: 017963

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 184 sqm

Weining Road Station, Line 2

Tianshan, Hongqiao

Features: high floor;floor heating and central A/C;wooden fl....

Equipments: Central A/C, Air-conditioner, Built-in o...

Features: Bright, Good natural light, Big balcony,...

Gubei Xinyuan for Rent - Apartment

古北新苑 出租

CODE: 31216

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 182 sqm

Yili Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Bright, Good natural light, Quiet compou...

Yanlord Riverside Garden for Rent - Apartment

仁恒河滨花园 出租

CODE: ZS003122

/month, 3 bedrooms, 0 bathrooms, 179 sqm

Weining Road Station, Line 2

Tianshan, Hongqiao

Features: middle floor;big balcony;light-color wooden floor ....

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Bright, Good natural light, Quiet compou...

City Condo for Rent - Apartment

虹桥豪苑 出租

CODE: 039215

/month, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 172 sqm

Yili Road Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Features: Sprit conternporany,big balcony..

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Bright, Good natural light, Quiet compou...

Maison Des Artistes for Rent - Apartment

御翠豪庭 出租

CODE: ZS031885

/month, 3 bedrooms, 0 bathrooms, 172 sqm

Yili Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Features: fully furnished.

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Bright, Good natural light, Quiet compou...

Hongqiao Wanbo Garden for Rent - Apartment

虹桥万博花园 出租

CODE: 24623

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Loushanguan Road Station, Line 2

Tianshan, Hongqiao

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Built-in o...

Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Balcony...

Carnival Garden for Rent - Apartment

古北嘉年华庭 出租

CODE: 19493

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Songyuan Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Built-in o...

Features: Cosy, Good quality deco, Bright, Good na...

Gubei International Garden for Rent - Apartment

古北国际花园 出租

CODE: 23072

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Yili Road Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Built-in o...

Features: Good quality deco, Good natural light, B...

City Condo for Rent - Apartment

虹桥豪苑 出租

CODE: 20383

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 169 sqm

Yili Road Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Built-in o...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Bright, Good natura...

Rainbow Garden for Rent - Apartment

虹桥花苑 出租

CODE: 14032

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 168 sqm

Longxi Road Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Features: floor heating and new decoration.

Equipments: Central A/C, Washing machine, Built-in o...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Bright, Good natura...

Gubei International Plaza for Rent - Apartment

古北国际广场 出租

CODE: 16334

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 168 sqm

Yili Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Equipments: Wall heating, Air-conditioner, Washing m...

Features: Luxury, Nice decor, Good quality deco, S...

Gubei International Plaza for Rent - Apartment

古北国际广场 出租

CODE: 16330

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 168 sqm

Yili Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Equipments: Wall heating, Air-conditioner, Washing m...

Features: Modern design, Nice decor, Good quality ...