Jinhai Mansion for Rent - Apartment

锦海大厦 出租


/month, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 128 sqm

Hongqiao Road Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Nice decor, Fantast...

Hongqiao Riviera Garden for Rent - Apartment

虹桥河滨花园 出租


/month, 3 bedrooms, 128 sqm

Loushanguan Road Station, Line 2

Tianshan, Hongqiao

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Nice decor, Fantast...

King‘s Court for Rent - Apartment

杰仕华庭 出租


/month, 3 bedrooms, 0 bathrooms, 120 sqm

Songyuan Road Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Features: Modern style flat with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, ful....

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Nice decor, Fantast...

Rome Garden for Rent - Apartment

罗马花园 出租


/month, 2 bedrooms, 148 sqm

Shuicheng Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Features: Newly deco, floor heating, C/A, modern style..

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Nice decor, Fantast...

Oasis Riviera for Rent - Apartment

天山河畔花园 出租


/month, 3 bedrooms, 0 bathrooms, 141 sqm

Weining Road Station, Line 2

Tianshan, Hongqiao

Features: central A/C, middle floor, modern style..

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Nice decor, Fantast...

Mandarine City for Rent - Apartment

名都城 出租


/month, 2 bedrooms, 102 sqm

Shuicheng Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Features: Middle floor, nice view, bright and airy livingroo....

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Nice decor, Fantast...

City Condo for Rent - Apartment

虹桥豪苑 出租


/month, 2 bedrooms, 108 sqm

Yili Road Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Features: A/C, bright and airy living room, fully furnished..

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Nice decor, Fantast...

Mandarine City for Rent - Apartment

名都城 出租


/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 138 sqm

Shuicheng Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Features: luxury deco, spacious layout, nice garden view wit....

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Nice decor, Fantast...

XiJiao Baocheng Flower Garden for Rent - Villa

西郊宝成花苑 出租


/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 135 sqm

Shanghai Zoo Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Features: 3 stories with a small garden, modern style..

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Nice decor, Fantast...

Mandarine City for Rent - Apartment

名都城 出租


/month, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 129 sqm

Shuicheng Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Features: C/A, light drenched living room, comprehensive a....

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Nice decor, Fantast...

Mandarine City for Rent - Apartment

名都城 出租

CODE: 23786

/month, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 120 sqm

Shuicheng Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Unique, Cosy, Nice decor,...

Mandarine de Gubei for Rent - Apartment

名都古北 出租

CODE: 31267

/month, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 117 sqm

Shuicheng Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Nice decor, Bright, Good natural light, ...

Mandarine City for Rent - Apartment

名都城 出租

CODE: 31077

/month, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 106 sqm

Shuicheng Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Bright, Big balcony, Balcony, Quiet comp...

Marseille Garden for Rent - Apartment

马赛花园 出租

CODE: 30880

/month, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 120 sqm

Shuicheng Road Station, Line 10

Gubei, Hongqiao

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Unique, Cosy, Sp...

Liujing Yicai for Rent - Apartment

流晶逸彩 出租

CODE: 30725

/month, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 107 sqm

Longxi Road Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Unique, Cosy, Sp...

Purple Xun NGA for Rent - Apartment

紫勋雅苑 出租

CODE: 23574

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 138 sqm

Metro Line 4, Line 4

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Nice decor, Fantastic dec...

King‘s Court for Rent - Apartment

杰仕华庭 出租

CODE: 30169

/month, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 130 sqm

Songyuan Road Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Unique, Cosy, Sp...

No.1-700 Xinhua Road Old House for Rent - Old house

新华路1-700 号老房子 出租

CODE: 29939

/month, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 100 sqm

Hongqiao Road Station, Line 10

Hongqiao, Hongqiao

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Cosy, Good natur...