Novel Garden for Rent - Apartment

永新花苑 出租

CODE: 18833

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Xujiahui Station, Line 1

Xujiahui, Downtown

Equipments: Wall heating, Central A/C, LCD/LED TV, W...

Features: Modern design, Fancy looking, Spacious, ...

Youli Mansion for Rent - Apartment

友力大厦 出租

CODE: 26020

/month, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

West Yan An Road Station, Line 3

Downtown, Downtown

Equipments: Wall heating, Central A/C, LCD/LED TV, W...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Newly renovated,...

Edifice Apts for Rent - Apartment

畅园 出租

CODE: 26734

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Jiangsu Road Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Wall heating, Central A/C, LCD/LED TV, W...

Features: Unique, Nice decor, Fantastic deco, Good...

First Block for Rent - Apartment

上海壹街区 出租

CODE: 22429

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

West Nanjing Road Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Wall heating, Central A/C, LCD/LED TV, W...

Features: Modern design, Balcony, Newly renovated,...

Datong Garden for Rent - Apartment

大同花园 出租

CODE: 19913

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Dapuqiao Station, Line 9

Downtown, Downtown

Equipments: Wall heating, Central A/C, LCD/LED TV, W...

Features: Modern design, Unique, Good quality deco...

Central Park for Rent - Apartment

淮海晶华苑 出租


/month, 2 bedrooms, 170 sqm

South Huangpi Road Station, Line 1

People Square, Downtown

Features: C/A, floor heating, middle floor, 2+1 Brs, 2bathro....

Equipments: Wall heating, Central A/C, LCD/LED TV, W...

Features: Modern design, Unique, Good quality deco...

Xujiahui Garden for Rent - Apartment

徐家汇花园 出租

CODE: 20740

/month, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Xujiahui Station, Line 1

Xujiahui, Downtown

Equipments: Washing machine, Built-in oven, LCD/LED ...

Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Balcony...

Zi Xun Courtyard for Rent - Apartment

紫勋雍邸 出租

CODE: 014259

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Middle Huaihai Road Station, Line 13

FFC, Downtown

Features: high floor enjoying stunning view of city scenery;....

Equipments: Washing machine, Built-in oven, LCD/LED ...

Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Balcony...

New Bund Garden for Rent - Apartment

新外滩花苑 出租

CODE: 15825

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Tilanqiao Station, Line 12

The Bund, Downtown

Equipments: Central A/C, Air-conditioner, Washing ma...

Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Balcony...

Hongtai Apartment for Rent - Apartment

宏泰公寓 出租

CODE: 29618

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

People Square Station, Line 1

People Square, Downtown

Equipments: Central A/C, Air-conditioner, Washing ma...

Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Newly r...

Hai Qi Yuan (The Bund) for Rent - Apartment

海琪园 出租

CODE: 27068

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Xiaonanmen Station, Line 9

People Square, Downtown

Equipments: Central A/C, Air-conditioner, Washing ma...

Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Newly r...

Central Park for Rent - Apartment

淮海晶华苑 出租

CODE: 29261

/month, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

South Huangpi Road Station, Line 1

People Square, Downtown

Equipments: Central A/C, Air-conditioner, Washing ma...

Features: Modern design, Unique, Cosy, Spacious, B...

Yan Dang Building for Rent - Apartment

雁荡大厦 出租

CODE: 26512

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Hanzhong Road Station, Line 13

FFC, Downtown

Equipments: Central A/C, Air-conditioner, Washing ma...

Features: Modern design, Unique, Nice decor, Fanta...

Celebrity Garden for Rent - Apartment

鼎园 出租

CODE: 23483

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Jiashan Road Station, Line 9

FFC, Downtown

Equipments: Central A/C, Air-conditioner, Washing ma...

Features: Good quality deco, Good natural light, B...

Central Park for Rent - Apartment

淮海晶华苑 出租


/month, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

South Huangpi Road Station, Line 1

People Square, Downtown

Features: High floor, central A/C, spacious layout, fully fu....

Equipments: Central A/C, Air-conditioner, Washing ma...

Features: Good quality deco, Good natural light, B...

Tian He Garden for Rent - Apartment

天和苑 出租

CODE: 15372

/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

Xujiahui Station, Line 1

Xujiahui, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, LCD/LED TV, ...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Big balcony, Conven...

Central Park for Rent - Apartment

淮海晶华苑 出租

CODE: 17697

/month, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 170 sqm

South Huangpi Road Station, Line 1

People Square, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, LCD/LED TV, ...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Balcony, Private...

Zhongfu City Phase Ⅲ for Rent - Apartment

中福城三期 出租

CODE: 12986

/month, 3 bedrooms, 170 sqm

People Square Station, Line 1

People Square, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, LCD/LED TV, ...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Balcony, Private...